Community Building
The Ramona Community Building was built in 1983 and is the current home of the Ramona Fire Department. It is available for use by the community for a donation to the department. Please reserve in advance by contacting a Ramona Fire Department officer.
City Parks
American Legion Memorial Park
The American legion park has a playground and a picnic shelter.
The city also has 12 picnic tables available for rent
City ball field
The baseball field was recently updated and rededicated in 2016 with generous grants from various sources including the Minnesota Twins, Alliance Communications, Sioux Valley Energy, and personal donations.
Fire Department
The Ramona Fire Department was established in 1906 and currently has 18 members with primary protection for areas in the town of Ramona and Badus Township. The department currently provides fire control and fire prevention activities as well as first responder services. Equipment includes a pump truck, two tankers, a brush truck and a first response vehicle.
Wyatt Cassutt
Brady Christiansen
Myron Nagel
Daren Spilde
Animal Control
If stray animals are captured on private property, contact Lake County dispatch at 911 or 256-7620 to have it removed at the animal owner's expense.